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 Computer consulting in the financial futures markets                                      

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Neal K. Novak, Global Bytes Owner

M.S. Degree in Financial Markets and Trading    Illinois Institute of Technology, 1996       
B.S.  Degree in Computer Science                          Illinois State University, 1982                                                  

Computer development, design and implementation since 1983 in the Financial Futures Industry at the following clients:

Rolfe and Nolan, Inc., formerly Brokerage Systems, Inc.(BSI) developed and implemented software at companies worldwide including  Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Tokyo, Singapore and London for this Financial Futures Software Vendor.
Index Futures Group, developed and implemented software, while managing the Information Systems Department for this Brokerage Company.
Whittman Hart, Inc.; developed designed and implemented software systems and solutions in The Financial Markets division of this Computer Consulting Firm.




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Last modified: February 15, 1999